Friday, October 3, 2014


So, last night.

Before leaving home from work, Ben told me he needed to talk to a co-worker. This was before 4:30 (when we usually get off work). I ended up staying at work a bit longer, so by the time I got home, it was around 5pm. He still hadn't come home. Talking with a "co-worker", eh? Not sure I believe that...

Anyways, once he did get back home, he fiddled on his computer for awhile before saying he was going out to have steak. So, he left. For quite awhile. I cooked myself pasta at home. Once I was done, I started to pack some boxes!

He finally came home while I was in the midst of packing. Think it caught him by surprise as I was right in the kitchen doing it. Asked if I was doing some pre-packing. I'm thinking to myself, no, I'm packing, packing. I just said out loud 'yeah' XD

For a few minutes, he stood by the door fiddling with something. I just ignored him. From the corner of my eye, I saw some kind of booklet or manual thingy that folded out quite a bit. I didn't ask anything about it. Which is what he probably wanted as he stood by the door for so long. I just kept packing around him.

When I was done (for the night) with the kitchen, I moved on to the bedroom to pack some of my clothes. Got my largest suitcase out and started with the back of the closest with my dresses and such that I don't exactly wear everyday. As I was finishing up, Ben creeped into the bedroom to take a peek. I just ignored him and continued on, hehe.

After my suitcase was done, I decided to call it quits for the night as I was a little sweaty at this point. So, took a shower and headed to the computer room. About an hour later, Ben turned his computer off and left. He went into the living room, as per usual, but didn't turn the PS4 on or anything. Left the lights off. I did hear him talking quietly, so the whole talking on the phone was still happening.

About an hour later, I was ready for bed, so I brought a dish into the kitchen and closed the blinds in the living room. At some point, Ben had gone into the bedroom. As soon as he heard the blinds being closed, he came out, figured I was going into the bedroom. Not just quite yet though. I went back to the computer room, and shut down my computer. Closed the blinds in there, turned the lights off, and shut the door. Ben was still standing in the living room, waiting.

As I headed into the bedroom, I saw him head into the computer room, turning the lights on, still on the phone. *rolls eyes*

After I read for a bit, I turned the lights off, and rolled ever to go to sleep. Within a few minutes, Ben finally came in as well, finally ending his like 2 hour long phone call >_<

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